Cathy Nelson's profile

PSA Campaign | ART235

PSA Campaign
Project 3 | ART235 
Here's a sneak peek!!
The goal of this project was to create three posters that would be part of a campaign that spoke to a target audience in whatever way I chose. The message needed to encourage positive change or to guide the audience to reconsider their stance on a particular topic. I was immediately drawn to the idea of change through increasing individual wellness. 

I feel that this is subject is important. Particularly in society today as we are constantly pushed to increase our output or our contribution to society. Oftentimes, this is measured in ways that society can easily see by a physical measurement of some sort. But I believe it is more important that we first make sure that we are nurturing our individual wellness first because it is through this that we can be prepared to give more to our communities and society as a whole. 
Even though my target audience could be considered on a very broad level because of the topic I am choosing to cover, It was important to narrow my focus down quite a bit to make sure I was speaking loud and clear to one group of people. Consequently, my target audience includes women between the ages of 25-50. They have a desire to make the world a better place but feel stuck in their lives to one degree or another. They want to affect change in the world around them but are not sure where to start. 

What is nature anyway? Most people might say that it is spending time in the "great outdoors." But, did you know that the definition of nature includes anything that is living? Knowing this makes it possible for any person, wherever they may be, to experience nature. Even if you live in the middle of a city, you can still experience nature! How cool is that? And because you can experience nature wherever you are, you can also experience the healing power of nature and the peace that it brings to care for another living thing. 

For this project, I chose to focus my posters on the healing power of plants. I wanted to choose something that everyone could find a way to participate in, even if it was not possible to experience nature in the traditional sense of the "great outdoors." 
As mentioned earlier, my target audience is women between the ages of 25-50. With this in mind, I wanted to create posters that looked pretty and inviting. When these women looked at my posters, I wanted for them to feel like the suggestion to do something in their own lives was coming from a trusted friend. Therefore, I picked a font that felt friendly and warm. The images I added give a feeling of creativity, whimsy, and fun. I added color to the type to make it a strong focal point of the poster with the images supporting the message. I also made sure to remind them that they could experience positive change in their lives by following the suggestion I was giving them. This reminder comes in the sentence at the bottom that explains that they can "experience the healing power of nature." 

I feel strongly that when these women see my posters and follow the suggestions, they will feel a greater sense of peace and wellness in their own lives that will empower them to move forward with optimism and strength in the greater changes they want to make in the their communities and in the world. 
If I could narrow down the lessons I learned during the process of creating these posters down to just two, they would be these. First, the value of pushing myself to think outside the box. During the brainstorming phase, a friend gave me some valuable feedback which was to narrow my focus for the project. Originally, I was thinking too broad for my concepts. After going back to the drawing board and following that advice, I was given a very clear direction to pursue that culminated in what you see today. 

Second, always refer back to what will speak to the target audience the loudest. After designing three different sets of posters, I was really having a hard time deciding which ones I wanted to present. For different reasons, I really liked all three. Ultimately, I looked back on the information I had gathered on my target audience and the directions I felt would be best to go at that time. With that information in my mind, I looked at my posters once again and realized that the choice was clear. The set I chose will definitely cause my target audience to pause and consider a new path to walk down. 

PSA Campaign | ART235

PSA Campaign | ART235


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